EIRA Privacy statement


We welcome your interest in EIRA. The company responsible for it is:

Evropski inštitut za ocenjevanje cest – EuroRAP, having its registered office at:

Dunajska cesta 128
1000 Ljubljana

Company number: 6957986000

Tax number: 83897852


We take your privacy seriously and want you to understand our practices with respect to the handling of your personal data. This privacy statement explains how we do this.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies not only to the website (the “Site“) which is run by the Evropski inštitut za ocenjevanje cest – EuroRAP (“EIRA”, “we” or “us”), but also applies to those situations where you contact us directly whether through the website or using other means. In this Policy we explain how EIRA collects, uses and discloses personal information about you, and will provide you with contact information should you want more information about how we process your personal information.

This website has different sub-sites for EIRA services, which may also have their own privacy statements. Please read these if you visit our sub-sites.

We collect information about you in order to complete event booking forms which enables our customers to book events. 

If you decide to contact us or make use of personalized services (e.g., by subscribing to our newsletter or using one of our online tools, or just filling in a contact form), then you will be asked to submit the limited personal data which is necessary for us to provide that service or handle your query. This is completely voluntary.

If you ask us to send you newsletters or other communications, we rely on your active consent in order to do so. You may opt out of receiving these communications at any time.

If any form which collects your personal data allows you to voluntarily provide additional information, we seek this information because we think it will help us to give you a better-quality service. You do not have to provide such information if you do not wish to do so.

We also collect personal data from cookies, which we explain more about below.

On your first visit to this site, you were asked (by a notification banner) to accept our use of cookies and similar technologies and we would like to explain how we use these technologies.

To learn about what cookies and similar technologies are, we recommend that you visit the following third-party website: www.allaboutcookies.org

Like many websites, we use cookies for a variety of purposes. These technologies collect information about your device hardware and interactions with our site.

This information helps us to

  • continuously improve our site’s content and functionality by analyzing where, on which types of devices and how our site is used, how many visitors we receive, and where they click through to the site from;
  • remember you in case you re-visit our site, so we will know if you have already been served with cookie banners, surveys, or (where site content is undergoing testing) which version of the content you were served;
  • get a picture of the aggregate number of visitors who click on or share our adverts or who perform certain actions on our site.

To delete or stop cookies being placed on your computer, please check the help menu of your internet browser. Blocking cookies will reduce the functionality of this website.

If you place an enquiry on our website, then in order to process your request, we will ask for your full name and email address.

If you register for one of our events then in order to process your application with us we will collect personal information such as name, address, organisation, job position, email address, telephone number.

If you subscribe to our mailing list, then we will ask you for your name, address, organisation, job position, email address, telephone number, skype name.

The Site allows you to interact with us in many ways, such as using the contact us form or providing you with our contact telephone number so that you can call us. If you do choose to contact us in any way, and, in doing so, provide us with your personal information, we will collect that information for our own use and for the purposes described.


Any transfer of personal data to this site will be secured by encryption.

We use the services of third-party service providers to host our webcasts and offer technical support. Any third-party provider we appoint must act in accordance with our written instructions when processing your personal data and must protect your personal data in line with the contractually required security measures. Where we store or transfer your personal data to a third-party provider based outside the European Economic Area, we take steps to ensure your personal data is adequately protected.

We have the right to disclose your personal data as required by law, or when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, request from a regulator or any other legal process served on EIRA. If there is a takeover, sale or purchase of our business, we may disclose your personal data to the new (or prospective) owner of the business.

Your personal information will be made available to third parties providing relevant services under contract to us such as our lawyers, accountants, auditors who we may rely on to provide specialist professional advice.

In terms of this Site, and our general communications with you, we will use your personal information for the following purposes:

    • to respond and/or deal with your request or enquiry.
    • to administer the Site.
    • for internal record keeping.
    • provide you with updates about the sector and reports/articles we may publish from time to time (where you have subscribed to receive such updates only).
    • to contact you by e-mail or phone for any of the above reasons.
    • to provide you with information at your request.
    • where necessary as part of any restructuring of EIRA.
    • for compliance with legal, regulatory and good governance obligations.
    • to anonymize your personal information so that we can use it (normally in an aggregated statistical format) for research purposes and analysis and improve Site performance.
    • to provide you with updated versions of this privacy notice and/or to confirm that you are still happy to hear from us; and/or
    • to provide your personal information to third parties as described above.

Data Protection law requires that we have a legal basis for processing your personal information. In this regard, we rely on one or more of the following three lawful basis for processing personal information:

where it is necessary in our legitimate interests, but only where those legitimate interests are not overridden by your fundamental rights and freedoms – this is used, for example, where we respond to your enquiries, or where we use information obtained from your usage of our Site to improve the Site to your and other users’ benefit, or where we engage with our third party service providers who assist us in our daily work, to handle any complaints in relation to the work that we undertake, to maintain accurate records;

with your consent – this is used where you have subscribed to receive news or publications from us, or have otherwise provided your consent for our processing of your personal information; or

where it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation – this will include responding to legal requests from government agencies and other similar organizations which require us, by law, to provide personal information to them, where we are required to disclose information as part of any legal proceedings.

We will only hold your information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, before making it non-identifiable or deleting it.

If you use one of our online tools you will be asked to enter a license agreement with EIRA and we will hold your data as long as the license remains valid.

If you choose to unsubscribe from a service, we may keep a ‘suppression list’ containing your details so we know you have unsubscribed.

Your rights, complaints and how to contact us.

You have the right to access your personal data and ask for it to be rectified or deleted at any later time.

If you have questions or concerns relating to the handling of your personal data, please get in touch with us at https://eira-si.eu/contact/.

If you are in the EU, you also have the right to raise a privacy concern with the Data Protection Authority established in the relevant EU country.


Our website may contain links to third-party sites. This privacy statement does not apply to those third-party sites.

We recommend that you read the privacy statements of any other sites that you visit as we cannot accept responsibility for the privacy practices of these sites which may be different to ours.


Changes to the privacy statement

We may update this privacy statement from time to time and recommend that you revisit it on occasion to see the latest version.

This statement was last updated in April 2021.